Set in New York at the end of the "Swinging Sixties", Don Baker, the hero of his mother's children's books, "Donny Dark", has been blind since birth. His over protective mother is devastated when he leaves home and moves into his own apartment to claim his independence and pursue his songwriting ambitions. There he meets "actress" Jill Tanner - as free-spirited as a butterfly, moving on from experience to experience. A romance ensues and when his mother meets Jill, her controlling instincts go into overdrive with hilariously touching results. "A lovely play. It is funny when it means to be, sentimental when it is so inclined, and heartwarming." - New York Daily News
Dinner Menu
ENTREE: Country-Style Boneless BBQ Beef Ribs
SERVED WITH: Tossed House Salad/ French, Classic
Ranch, Lite Italian
Golden Yukon Potatoes / Butter/Sour Cream
French Style Green Beans
Dinner Rolls/ Butter
Cheesecake and Black Forest Cake Beverages: Coffee, Southern Ice-Tea, Lemonade, Water Vegetarian option available (vegetarian lasagna) upon request WHEN MAKING YOUR RESERVATION
Don Baker: Jeff Kennedy Mrs. Baker: Terry Minor Jill Tanner: Amelia Rogocka Ralph Austin: Adam Pruden
Technical Staff & Crew
Director: Linda Granger Assistant Director: Angela Dill Stage Manager: Jan Ross Technical Director: Jim Lorenz Set Design: Bill Woodland Set Construction: Bill Woodland Set Painting: Bill Woodland Set Dressing: Linda Granger Set Dressing Assistance: John Goergin Set Transportation: Chris Klaver, Angela Dill Lighting Design & Engineer: Jim Lorenz Sound Design: Steve Scarborough Sound Engineer: Jim Lorenz Costumer: Jamie Wakley Backstage Crew and Properties: Sherin Grossi, Mary Pomeroy Specialty Props Creator: Mary Herrbach Producer, Publicity, Reservations: Linda Granger Program: Jane Zussman Box Office: Gwendolyn Conarton, Mary Herrbach and Carol Goergen Dining Room Manager: Elizabeth Todd Dining Room Decor: Linda Granger Table Centerpieces: Mary Herrbach